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A bit about Tanja and her work.

True feminine abundance comes from within!

I am here to guide you to unlimited abundance

What if you could have the life you've always dreamed of? The life you deserve? I'm here to tell you that it's possible. I've helped countless women achieve their goals, and I can help you too.

Within my OUSIA mentoring and group work I am helping you to release the limitations holding you back from living in ease, flow, freedom and confidence. 


OUSIA is greek and means "essence". And this is exactly what my guidance is all about. To meet your very own essence and with that come to realize what your strengths and gifts are. I will show you how you can utilize your unique energy markup, how you strip away patterns that no longer serve you, get rid of blockages and clearing your energy. 


If you let go of limitations you will become free to receive!


This is a lesson I had to learn and integrate deeply! Releasing the lone wolf thinking and starting to trust in the flow of the universe and in my own skills. 

I can tell you that this has been a massive breakthrough for me - one that has shifted my life so that I am now living close to the beach in an amazing villa in Cyprus, doing what I love every single day, having enough time to express myself creatively, being in a wonderfully loving and committed relationship with my partner Julian and knowing that the future will be massively abundant!



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Open & honest

I want you to bring your all into our space! Without putting you into a box you will be welcomed and understood! 

No matter what.

Together we will find a new perspective that will help you and others. Let's create a safe space that allows you to open up.

As much as I would love to, I cannot do this work for you! You want to own up to your decisions, say goodbye to playing the victim and relying on excuses. You are the real deal who will propel you forward!

Communication is everything.

I cannot read your mind - yet. 

If you feel overwhelmed or underwhelmed, need more explanation from me or different resources, ASK!

Tell me what is on your mind and together we can find a solution that totally makes sense for you!

These are the core values that I give to everyone I work with and that are

being followed in all intimate mentoring spaces to ensure the best possible growth

tropische Blätter

SUN SIGN:               AQUARIUS




MBPT:                       INFP-A

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While working at an internship in Australia I came to realize for the first time that I had the belief of "I am not worthy of being loved" operate inside of me. Next to my very shy demeanor and social awkwardness this really limited me from connecting to people and love. I was super dedicated on turning this belief around and with it the reality I was living in I actually succeeded to overcome my avoidant personality for the very first time! I returned to Europe a different person.



This is the year so much was about to change! I started my first relationship with 21 which felt so natural and easy at the time. This also gave me so many lessons on what person I want to be and showed me a lot of hidden patterns that I was carrying within me that I turned around later on. I also started to gain knowledge over manifestation, other worldly wisdom and started to live a vegan lifestyle. 



I started my first design job in a creative agency and found out that I am not made to work 9 to 5 at all! I started to neglect my workout routine, gained some weight, had no drive to get out of bed and cried all night. Next to my full-time job I tried to build up a social media page through food photography. Also Kiwi, my super cute dog came into my life and I started pole dancing!



A big breakup lead me to question my life choices and taking a real deep look at what kind of person I wanted to be moving forward. â€‹

I was living alone for the first time ever and with this new found freedom 

I decided to no longer let other people decide what I could and could't do. 

This changed my whole life. I was free to choose who I spent time with, what I wanted to create, living through my intuition.



After an attempt at being self-employed I was working part-time at an agency as a content creator. Right as lockdown hit I started a coaching to become a mindset coach myself. Through this process I quickly realized that I had a deep belief about my voice installed into me - so I learned to trust myself - my voice and my abilities. This was the start to my coaching business as it is existent now. 



I learnt all about the feminine-masculine energy dynamics and redirected my life to be in flow with the constant movements of my body and the feminine. I opened myself up to receive pleasure in all areas of my life and allowed myself to speak my truth. This is the year I got together with my now partner Julian who helped me face my avoidant shadows and to trust the masculine again. 



Berlin has been the home to me for over 8 year but it got time to say goodbye. We moved to Cyprus. Living next to the beach has always been a dream of mine! 

I invested into a coaching program helping me build my business.

My partner and I founded our company.

I became so much more clear about who I am and the transformation I am delivering to women!
Always eager to learn more so that I can help you even deeper through NLP, REIKI, MINDFULNESS, HYPNOSIS, EFT, CRYSTAL WORK, ROUTINES, FITNESS & NUTRITION. 

My Intention for you:

To reconnect with your own authentic self in making love to yourself, to your partner and to life. To reconnect with your pure energy of love and to not to be afraid of claiming your power and receiving love!

I am here to show you how magical sensuality can feel!

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